Our Family Photo

Our Family Photo

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Finally. After 7 years of full time school full time
work and some part time school before that,
David gets his Bachelors of Science Degree
in Organizational Communications with a Psychology
minor. His graduation day had moved farther away
everytime he changed his major or had to retake a
class. He worked nights and went to school during
the day and then came home and slept and tried to
still find time to do homework. We jumped through hoops
and more hoops with deadlines for classes, papers
major forms,financial aid, extra projects. Last year
a week before graduation they told us that he
would need ONE MORE CLASS. I waited to get excited
about graduation just in case and then when I didn't hear
otherwise I called David's mom and said, "oh by the way
David's graduation is saturday."

Jeshua came and had the kids sit with
him and they behaved for him, what a sweetie!
Me and Dave on the big day. I brought the whole
crew and we cheered when they called his name.

My turn!

Karen sings at GR concert Feb 2011

Karen Pipkin - Vocal Competition

Millie Pipkin - Vocal Competition

Best Christmas concert ever! Millie sings 2009

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What we did this Spring

One thing we did this spring was our first karate tournament. The instructor doesn't charge for lessons he just asks that we give a $20 a family a month donation to help him pay the bills for the building but his lessons are free. He sells us the uniforms at cost and is real good with the kids. Millie does well at practice and is a deliberate striker but she didn't get a trophy this time. Which was ok with me but she was a little disappointed.
Jacob takes second place in his karate tournament . He won a couple of rounds.

Jacob enjoyed our Easter Egg hunt with friends.

James having fun at the Rochester's Egg hunt.

Jacqueline meets the Rochester's goat.

This spring we had an Easter Egg hunt with friends out in the country.

For Jacqueline's 7th birthday her friend Brighton came over and we had a Easter Egg hunt at nana's backyard and then went to the movies to see "How to train your Dragon in 3D"

Summer Fun

One before picture of our fence.
And after.
Our before picture of our fence.


Jacob turns 12.
Jacobs birthday with his
skateboard cake.

Jefferson's 5th birthday. His
off road birthday cake.

Here we have James and our
adopted toad. James and Jacob
would go to the creek and catch toads.
Of course we had a catch and release

Smithville lake. We took a
trip to smithville lake north of
kansas city. Here is Ruth enjoying
the sunshine.

Jax and the boys built a sand island
and a makeshift flag.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

All of Nana's grandchildren!!
This is whay life looks like at
her cottage of a house when
they all come to visit. They are
all under the age 14.
While Karen was in Idaho
she had fun hiking with Mckay.

She is very helpful with the babies.
She has always had the gift of
being good with kids even at about age 6
she could rock a baby to sleep for me.

What Karen did this summer...
So She has been the super star helper
the last 6 years while david was going
to school full time and work full time. So we
sent her to Idaho to see her cousins, aunts, and

Karen and cousin Ashlyn.

Karen, Connor and Ashlyn at
the 4th of July parade in Idaho

Fishing with Grandpa.

4th of July Block Party with cousins
and Aunt Kristen.

Karen with Aunt Mckay and Uncle
Helio with baby RJ at Rigby lake.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our most recent happenings

Karen and our friend Cameron
From Texas. He and karen were
playmates as little kids when he
lived here. He visited for the day.
He is a nice boy and he played with
the little kids.

Cameron and his mom Dianna.

Ruth's new hairstyle.
So, I usually put off taking a shower
in the morning because I don't
want certain toddlers to be unsupervised
SOOOO. I decided I might be able
to get away with a quick shower because
Karen was home for the summer
but when I got out of the bathroom
Ruth had a lot less hair than before.
When I asked her where her hair was
she said that she cut it and Jeff said, "I helped her!"
So then that afternoon Ruth and I went to
the hairdresser to trim it up and fix it.
It is actually not too bad although there are
a few really short spots. She didn't get in trouble
she is just too cute. Jeff had to clean up the hair he cut
but while I was getting him to do that Ruth got into the
freezer and was trying to eat frozen butter. Sigh.

Friday, April 24, 2009

FHE Ensign Picture

For those of you who aren't amember of the
LDS church I need to explain what the picture is all about.
We are encouraged to have a family night once a week to teach our children
about the Lord and to have fun together. It is
called Family Home Evening, or FHE for short.
In our churchwide magazine titiled the Ensign, there
are often pictures of families having Family Home

Evening. Such as this one below. Notice everyone is smiling.
Everyone is paying attention. Happiness all around.

At our house FHE consists of Millie mad every week if she
doesn't get to pick the treat and pouting in the corner.
Jefferson doing head stands on couch and falling on other
children who in turn start crying. Ruth crying for milk. Karen
bored. Jacob wrestling with James and David and I after asking people
nice a couple of times are now YELLING "It's time for PRAYER!"
SOOOO. On this one occassion. We decided to briefly talk about
how important it is for people to chose righteous leaders in our government
and then we just sat down and watched Prince Caspian. Not too spriritual in nature
but hey, we were having together time. :) So before the movie started I had to
take a picture of everyone sitting there on the couch. One of our rare cooperative moments.
Lets celebrate.

Thursday, April 23, 2009